Chapter 5: Return of "The Mac"

Collaborators: Carlo.Mac Design (Carlo Macasaet)

Projects: Neighbourhoodies/Model R

When you get a chance to work with an established graphic artist like Carlo Macasaet - you take it. If you've ever sampled some of the fine local libation offerings from Walkerville Brewery or Craft Heads Brewing Company, then you've most likely seen his work. Believe me, I've seen a LOT of his work!

In fact, I actually knew his father for quite some time as a colleague but didn't make the connection until later on. So I reached out to his dad and got his contact information. A few texts back and forth, and a quick meeting at Craft Heads and we were on our way.

I brought forth a couple of ideas I had brewing in my mind (see what I did there?). The first was "Neighbourhoodies" whereby we would try to highlight various neighbourhoods in the city by emblazoning their street maps onto hoodies (get it? Neighbourhoodies?). The result is this:


We plan to debut this hoodie at the Walkerville Night Market. This is the main reason why we decided to highlight the Walkerville area as our first "Neighbourhoodie".

My second idea was a design for a New Era Snapback hat. My idea was to pay tribute to Ford City and to the Ford Model T - regarded as the first affordable automobile. Production of this vehicle took place right in Walkerville (see the theme?). Here's my hand drawn image of the Model R Prototype and the sew out made from Carlo's digital design (which by the way took him seemingly 30 seconds to create):


If you look closely enough you'll notice the round steering wheel-like border. This wheel represents the steering wheel found inside the original Model T. Don't believe me? Here it is (yeah, I Googled it first!):

So there you have it: 2 designs. 1 awesome collabo. Some love for Walkerville. And 1 more reason to love Carlo.Mac Design.




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